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How We Save Our Quality at Production?

High-tech electronic circuit boards are produced with materials and processes that respect the environment and human health, and comply with European and world standard. Powerful and long-lasting transformers are varnished under vacuum and dried at high temperature. Testing and quality control processes are carried out by Expert Technical Personnel using sensitive measuring devices, with procedures in accordance with standards. Every product is tested and reported. Powerful and long-lasting transformers are varnished under vacuum and dried at high temperature. Mechanical assembly, electrical wiring and marking processes are done with great care and meticulousness by experienced and expert personnel.

How We Can Collaborate?

Distributorship or Dealership Agreement : Let us discuss the distributorship or dealership in order to offer the best solutions to your customers in your portfolio, in the fastest and most favorable terms..
Professional Solutions for Your Projects : Please contact with sales representatives to purchase the products you need for your project...
Manufacturer Partnership : Do you have a high capacity sales opportunity with your own internationally known brand? Let us re-design our products with the Physical and Technical features you demand. Let us produce for you in accordance with your standards.
OEM Manufacturing Agreement : Let us manufacture the products whose Know-How belongs to you, with your brand. Let us do OEM agreement for better price and high quality.
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